5 ways you can make the most of lockdown 3!

5 ways you can make the most of lockdown 3!

We’re now into our third and hopefully final lockdown. While it’s easy to fret and worry through it, there are some ways you can make the most of the tough situation and come out better and more prepared. Here’s our advice…

When Boris Johnson announced that the country would once again be heading into lockdown, many of us despaired. Facing another uncertain amount of time indoors, with little do or see, and with many people on furlough or unable to work, it can mean boredom, fretting over wasted time, and possibly depression.

However, there are things that you can do during this lockdown which will benefit you, your family, and the local community – and it’s not bake banana bread! Here’s our top 5 suggestions for making the most of this Lockdown…

1.   Support local
Your local community is also struggling so it’s a good time to spend an hour or two championing local small businesses. You can safely click and collect or order for delivery but cost-free ways to support also include following/sharing their social media or website, interacting with their content or writing a review (if you’ve used their services before). It can mean the world to that small business and you know you’ve spent your time really helping others.

2.   Improve your home
When you get a few weeks stretch where you’re not hosting, having people over, or going to work, it’s the PERFECT time to improve your home with DIY. The result means a nicer place for you to finish out lockdown, but also added value to your home. If you’re planning to move in 2021, this will do wonders towards preparing your home for sale.

3.   Improve your mind
During the first lockdown, there were plenty of people learning physical activities such as new workouts, baking, cooking, dancing (hello TikTok!) and more, but this lockdown might be the perfect time to relax and improve your mind instead. Buy some books or download podcasts which maximises your mental skills or teaches you about a new subject.

If you’re looking to learn about property investing, here’s a few of our favourites:
·     The Property Podcast
·     The Property Geek Podcast 
·     Inside Property
·     Progressive Property Podcast
·     Tej Talks Podcast

4.   Put your money to good use
Many people have saved money in lockdown due to not spending on holidays, going out, eating out, or travelling to work. If you suddenly find yourself with a bulk of cash you didn’t have before, ensure you put it towards something that works for you. Property is a fantastic example of investment, and it’s not hard to take the first step. Just ask your local agent for advice or local investment opportunities!

5.   Set your goals
As a country, we rarely get the chance to sit down and think about where we want to be in the future. We’re consumed with the present and the next immediate plan. The good thing about lockdown is it forces us to slow down, spend some time with our thoughts, and really plan ahead to achieve something in the coming years. Where do you see yourself in a year? 5 years? 10 years? Is your current lifestyle helping you towards achieving those goals? Spend the time. Assess. Plan. By the time we come out of lockdown, you’ll find yourself much more focussed and motivated to move forward in life.

Of course, the final goal is to spend as much time with family as possible – whether that be within your own household (if they live with you) or virtually over zoom. Connections is the secret to getting through isolation, and all of the above is secondary to those relationships.

We hope this final lockdown isn’t too tough for our local community but know that we’re here if you need us. For advice, a helping hand, groceries or whatever else you might need. Just get in contact.

Stay safe everyone!

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