Looking at estate agents' office windows or their websites, you may have noticed that they proudly state their membership in various governing bodies. But, they often don't explain those governing bodies or why you, as the customer, should care.

For many of us, it's a goal in life to own our own home. But that is not how the Millennials and Gen Z do it. There is far less convention and structure in the path of life for these younger generations. So is it imperative to get on the housing ladder? Why are there so many ladders that we must climb to be successful in life?

Looking at the newspapers with their doom and gloom headlines, you would think that the Greenwich property market would be on its knees. Yet Greenwich house prices and the number of properties selling continues to be high. Read the article to find out why…

Blackheath OAP retirees are having to make some tough choices with the onset of the cost-of-living crisis. Growing inflation, unpredictable financial markets, and the high cost of living meant 1 in 23 former retired Blackheath people returned to work in July alone, in what has been dubbed the ‘great unretirement’.

As gas and electric bills rocket for Greenwich tenants, Greenwich landlords who do not start to make energy efficiency upgrades face lengthy void periods and will have to discount their rents, whilst those Greenwich landlords with highly energy efficient rental properties will be able to charge a premium. Read the article here to find out more

With the Tory leadership ballot nearly finished, both candidates have hardly mentioned the housing issues of Generation Rent, the 20 and 30 somethings in Britain. What will this mean for those in rented accommodation in Blackheath and their landlords? Read the article here to find out more

If you're a landlord or thinking of investing in property, you may have come across the term yield before. But what does it actually mean?

The average age to buy your first home in the UK is now 37 years old. But, the average age that people move out of their parents is still the early 20s. After flying their parent's nest and stepping out into the world as young adults, most stay in a rented property rather than getting on the property ladder. As a result, they have been termed Generation Rent.

We watch all the TV shows about renovations and self-builds, lapping it up. We critique their interior design ideas and landscaped gardens. We watch people make mistakes and go vastly over budget. But still, the end result is usually marvellous. A labour of love to cherish - a forever home.

Buying a house is a complicated process. A legal professional must ensure no issues with the property you buy. And, as with many things that involve legal professionals, it seems as if it takes forever! Is it possible to speed things up?

Live in Greenwich? Do you know the difference between an apartment and a flat? Read the article on what proportion of Greenwich people live in a flat / apartment, why they are named that way and why flats/apartments could be one of the solutions to the Greenwich (and Britain’s) housing crisis…

Many of Blackheaths’s mature homeowners are stuck in their oversized homes. Their children flew the nest years ago, yet they are unable to find suitable Blackheath properties to move to. Blackheath’s ‘Generation Stuck’ are holding back those younger Blackheath ‘Generation Renters’ move into the larger homes they need.