If you've been searching for property recently, you may have noticed the property listings now have to note the tenure. Here we will explain the different tenures and what they mean to a buyer and property owner.

• 161 of the 470 properties on the market in the Blackheath area have had a price reduction in the last 3 months. • The average reduction has been 4.4% of the original asking price. • This is great news for Blackheath home buyers and Blackheath buy-to-let landlords, strangely Blackheath house sellers as well.

The Greenwich property market is on the verge of a ‘tipping point’. The rate of house price growth has started to ease with a reduction in the number of properties that will sell in Greenwich in the coming 12 to 18 months. Yet, rising interest rates and the cost-of-living issues won't knock everybody out of the property market

Well, what a Jubilee weekend that was! Celebrating the 70 glorious years of our Queen. Looking back at the housing market during this time, what has changed since 1952, especially regarding Blackheath property? What did a mortgage cost a typical Blackheath homeowner then and, was it cheaper to buy a house then than today?

• Inflation (and recessions) can be nerve racking for people and their hard-earned savings and wealth. • Yet there are six reasons which make investing in private rental properties a potentially wise investment in these changeable times. • This article looks at how investing in Greenwich property could help you 'hedge' against inflation and protect

With uncertainty in the property market and, quite frankly, the world, you, like many people, may have decided that you'll not move house just now. But you must've had reasons for thinking about moving in the first place, right? What if you need more space? what is involved in extending your home? Where do you even start?

You may have heard of the minimalism movement. You might have even watched the Netflix documentary. But for those of you that have no idea what it's about, read on for a general explanation.

The average seller spends years deliberating about selling their home. With all of that time spent researching, many sellers will already know which estate agent they will use when ready to market their home. So, how have they made this decision?

If you've ever been told that your landlord wants to sell your home, you'll know that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. So, if you've been making your house your home and getting things nicely settled, only to be told that your landlord wants to sell up, what should you do?

· Many commentators believe we have seen the peak of the Blackheath property market. · So, should savvy bargain hunters wait for Blackheath house prices to fall? · Or could postponing your house buying for any anticipated Blackheath house price drop be a costly mistake?

• According to some newspapers and pundits, the property market boom could soon be over with the increasing interest rates and inflation. • In this article, I share the 3 fundamental economic reasons why things are different to the last property market crash. • The insider’s way to find out if there will be a property crash.

• Blackheath needs 129 additional private rented properties per year to keep up with current and future demand from Blackheath tenants. • Yet over the last 5 years, Blackheath has lost 202 private rented homes. • What are the 5 reasons the supply of private rental properties in Blackheath are falling? What does this mean for tenants and landlord?