Us Brits are obsessed with our homes, and in particular the number of bedrooms. Yet more and more Greenwich homebuyers are now searching for property by its square footage, not bedrooms. Do you know the square footage of your Greenwich home?

How often do Blackheath people move home? Well, it’s a lot less than the 1980’s! Yet, new research shows there is now a two-speed Blackheath property market, with the younger generation moving only after a few years, and the older generation in Blackheath staying in their homes for decades.

Is Buy-to-Let still a safe bet when it comes to investing in Greenwich property? With legislation and taxation on the rise for Buy-to-Let, things have got a lot harder for Greenwich landlords over the last 5 years. Or could this be the next golden age for the Greenwich property market?

With the Bank of England raising interest rates and inflation high, what is happening in the Blackheath property market? What types of properties are selling in Blackheath? What is happening to house prices in Blackheath? If you are a Blackheath homeowner or Blackheath landlord, read this article to find out what is happening to your property

Are you getting ready to put your property on the market? What should you be looking for in this sales pitch? Are there any red flags you should be on high alert to spot?

How often do you switch bank accounts? Or dentists? Or even hairdressers? I expect it's not that often. It is the same for estate agents. Either way, it's possible to change if you are feeling underwhelmed, disappointed or disheartened with the property sale experience. And it is actually easier than you might think.

The property purchasing process can be a rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs. Statistically, 30% of agreed property sales will fall through in the UK. No doubt you will have experienced this at some point or at least know someone else that has.

If you've ever considered moving house before and read blogs about where to start, there is almost always information about decluttering. Why?

Britain has over 8 million households with 2 or more spare bedrooms, most owned by Baby Boomers. Should the Government force them out or should the Government mind their own business? The data from the 2021 Census has just been released for Grantham and it makes interesting reading about the number of spare ‘spare’ bedrooms in our area.

In her first conference speech as the Tory's new leader in 1975, Margaret Thatcher asserted her conviction in a ‘property-owning democracy’. Throughout the 1980s homeownership exploded and continued to grow for several decades thereafter. What has happened to that dream nearly 50 years later?

The Greenwich housing market over the last three months is now becoming more ‘normal’ after the last couple of years of insane demand! Even with the blackening economic doom-mongers forecasting a harsh slowdown in the British property market, the number of people buying and selling their Greenwich homes is still very good for the time year.

In this article, I talk about what should happen to the value of your Blackheath property over the next 12 months. Also, I will touch on the other more important barometer to judge the Blackheath property market. Read the article to find out what that is