The personal approach; how to reach your perfect buyer through personalised marketing!

The personal approach; how to reach your perfect buyer through personalised marketing!

If you’ve taken the plunge and put your home on the market, it can be frustrating to think the perfect buyer might be out there with no idea your property is even for sale. Cue ‘personalised marketing’. Find out how and why personalised marketing can make all difference when selling your home…

If you want your home to sell for the absolute best price it could achieve, and not sit on the market for months on end, becoming harder and harder to sell, you need marketing techniques honed over time by an experienced Estate Agent.

One of our tried and tested processes is to use what we call ‘personalised marketing’ which targets your perfect buyer (the person who will give the best offer on your home, and sail through the selling timeline with little stress) where they are. Find out how it works and why your home deserves it:

How it works
The first step is data. The first set of data we shift through is contacts we’ve collected ourselves. We’ve personally collated a database full of confident, ready-to-act buyers looking for a property locally to call home. We find out their usual info such as their name and contact, but we don’t stop there.

We understand what type of property they want, their price range, preferred area, list of ‘needs’ and ‘wants’, and how ready they are to make an offer right now. We then pick the buyers who’s tick lists are covered by your home and we show them your wonderfully presented property listing via email, social media re-marketing, and even SMS.

We can also utilise other data we have to hand, such as through Facebook by using detailed interests to nail down those in the area likely to be interested, and then presenting them with a beautifully designed ad of your property.

By doing this, we ensure your property only reaches the right people at the right time; those who are looking for a home just like yours at the time they are ready to buy.
Why do I need personalised marketing?

Without the use of personalised target marketing, we can create you the most beautiful, detailed listing and take the most perfect pictures and videos to show off your home at its best, but would the right buyer ever see it?

The creative and eye-catching property listing needs to be coupled with the right technology and processes in order to really make an impact.

Your beautiful home deserves personalised marketing.

Ready to move forward?
If you’re ready to move forward with your home sale in order to get the most out of personalised marketing, CLICK HERE to book an in-person home valuation.

We’d love to chat more about your home, how we manage our successful sales, and why our customers love us.  

Get in touch with us

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