Are we seeing a subtle change in the landscape of Blackheath's property market with the intriguing rise of 'accidental landlords'? Amidst a housing market slowdown from the levels seen in 2021/22, some Blackheath homeowners are considering alternative routes, which could impact the Blackheath property scene in unexpected ways.

Delve into the captivating narrative behind Greenwich's timeless terraced houses, tracing their origins from the 1600s to their modern-day town house allure. Join me on a journey through history, architecture, and evolution as we unveil the untold story of these charming unsung homes.

Worried about the Greenwich housing market? Here's some good news! Greenwich homeowners have many reasons to stay positive, including a strong job market, 2023 being very different from 2008, and the long-term value of Greenwich homeownership. Read the full article to discover all 14 factors that should put your mind at ease

Are Blackheath Landlords Profiteering? Many would say yes, yet here's the truth: most Blackheath landlords aren't exploiting the situation. In fact, 64% are keeping rents steady or decreasing to protect their Blackheath tenants! Discover the real facts and challenges they face in this in-depth article. Read it now

Are you concerned about the changing property market? It can be unsettling to see reports in the media of increasing interest rates and reducing property prices whilst you are trying to sell. If you fear the unknown and find the changes in the market difficult to navigate, perhaps this could be the solution for you?

Are you seeing the news reports about rising rental prices and huge tenant demand but wondering why your property has sat around without any applications? Perhaps you have been unable to increase the rental value, and you wonder how this could be? This article will explain how to guarantee you a great tenant at a great rental price quickly! Read on to find out how…

Is the housing market in turmoil? Are prices are going to drop, and our monthly mortgage payments are about to go through the roof! If you're currently trying to sell your property, have you lost hope? Should you abandon your home moving plans and take the property off the market? Read on to find out…

Once upon a time, reducing the price of your property was considered a terrible thing to do. It made you look desperate, and buyers could take advantage of your desperation and make ridiculously low offers. But, as we head into a changing property market, is that still the case?

Discover the rising trend of bungalows in the Greenwich property market! As the pandemic reshaped housing preferences, downsizing has become increasingly popular among Greenwich retirees and budget-conscious families alike

Discover why it's taking Blackheath homeowners 203 days to sell their properties in this insightful article. Don't miss out on understanding the breakdown of these 203 days and the factors influencing the process.

Ever wondered what sets apart those Greenwich properties that sell like hotcakes? Let's explore the interesting world of the Greenwich property market, where the price range holds the key to a successful sale.

Are you trying to sell your home right now? Make sure you don't make any of these top mistakes that could reduce your chances of selling.