There doesn’t have to be a huge divide between tenant and landlord and having a good relationship not only means you’ll have less stress and hassle but it is also much easier than you think. Offer a warm welcome When you meet

Whether you like it or not, the world is evolving and it was only a matter of time before our homes turned technical. The term ‘smart home’ has been penned, describing a place filled with Wi-Fi controlled gadgets and soon you’ll be able to cont

When it comes to finding somewhere to live there is always a decision to be made about renting versus buying. Obviously, most people want to own their own home at some point, however, for some people renting is the better option. We look at the reasons why you might prefer renting over buying a home.

With so many of us taking our work out of the office and into our homes, there has never been a more popular time to rethink the study space in your very own home. Follow the tips below to know how to implement your work life into your own home.

When it comes to deciding whether you should improve your existing home or take the next step in moving, this decision can sometimes be a difficult one to make. It is something that a lot of homeowners are currently facing particularly when there are more stagnant periods in the housing market. Below, we have highlighted what you may need to look into in order to make the right decision.

Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead. Not only is it a great method for avoiding more work down later on, it can also be extremely important for averting problems. To be proactive, you need to start taking action, embracing your responsibility, and controlling your responses. Follow this guide for tips to help you stay ahead and have and a much more proactive outlook.

Renting has definitely changed over the years. With more and more young people deciding to rent over buying a home, this means that it has definitely become more of a renters market than ever. In order to appeal to the best tenants and also to hold onto them, a landlord needs to do their best to ensure that their rental property is the best that it can be.

When it comes to moving house there are many pitfalls and traps that you could fall into, but it doesn’t always have to be a stressful and problematic experience.

As we look to put the long winter months behind us and hope for slightly warmer weather and less rain, it is a good idea to refresh your home ready for the new season. As spring is the season of growth and renewal, you should do the same to your home. We look at some of the best ways that you can do this.

When it comes to renting a property it is important to know what you are getting into, particularly if it is something you are doing for the first time. It is easy to be caught out, so follow our handy checklist to make sure you are doing it right.

Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are out of their control, while others are a matter of personal preference. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on.

These are two schemes that are aimed at helping people get onto the property ladder. They are available to those that would not otherwise be able to purchase a house on the open market. However, many people get confused about the differences between the two, so we take a look at which scheme could be right for you.