Skip the jargon and understand what your home report means before you proceed with a sale – it will give you peace of mind and a little bit of extra understanding for your new home…

If you’re hoping for a calm and relaxing month, especially with the kids at home, then having a cosy place to unwind in is essential.

It doesn’t matter if you’re planning on selling your home in the coming months or looking to stay put for years to come, there are plenty of projects you can do this year to bring your home to its full potential.

Here's a selection of the best advice we've learned over the years to ensure you can find a home for yourself AND your furry companion…

If you are selling at the same time as buying, you will likely find yourself in the middle of a chain with people both above you and below you. A property chain is only as strong as its weakest link – the more links, the higher your risk. There are a few steps you can take to minimise your risk, check out our tips below…

Struggling to find the right home? Don’t forget the golden rules of the property game…

It is natural vendors focus on their own needs and expectations when selling their house. However, time spent focusing on who the buyer is, and what they want or need when buying property will make a difference in selling a house. If you know who the most likely buyer of your home is, it becomes easier to reach them.

2021 is knocking on the door, and as usual at the start of a new year, it's a time to reflect on what's gone before and look forward to what will happen in the future.

Covid-19 has affected every part of the way we buy and sell recently. Here we'll look into how COVID-19 is altering the way we think about property, plus how the pandemic is shaping and reshaping property market trends…

We are moving into a new phase of working and many of us are now working from home in makeshift spaces and offices. With this becoming a more permanent fixture and home working spaces becoming more in demand, we need to ditch the kitchen table and start thinking about how to design the best home office setup.

Is your home in need of a bit of decorative attention? It takes a bit of careful thought and planning to execute a really beautiful home from room to room. A few basic rules can set you on the right path, transforming your home to resemble the most luxurious, professionally decorated showroom…

Around 1.5 million UK citizens are currently working remotely, and this number is only set to increase. While there are benefits of home working, many struggle with finding the space and may consider adding an extra room, which begs the question – should you go for a home office or a garden office?